Sunday, July 25, 2010

Why do we run on a day like this

I started running in college on the flat, cool plains of the Midwest. Lacing up and heading out on a run was never very hard.

I became a runner during the summer after my sophomore year, when I worked on a golf course through a long hot summer in Orlando, Florida. It was a summer that had fires and I can still recall the burning smell in the air as I mowed fairways and greens. I have never sweated more in my life and I used to come home in the afternoon, strip off my shirt, pull on some running shoes and run a few miles in the 90 degree/90% humidity of Central Florida summers. When I dragged my way home I would take off my shoes and socks and fall into the pool.

On Saturday morning, five runners and a walker started out on a run that promised to be as uncomfortable as those afternoon runs in Orlando. When you run on a day like Saturday you never get to that runner's high that we all seek most of the year. On these runs everything is heavy: our breath, our clothes, our legs, and even our thoughts. Just like those runs in Orlando, there was nothing easy about Saturday's run. It is the hard runs that make us runners. It is the hard times that make us human.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

July 24, 2010

Tim is writing the reflection this week.  Let me just give you the pictures...

The run hasn't begun and Paul has already passed out from the heat.
Steve mesmerized by the football talk between Kristi and Tim.
Kristi turns red as Tim guesses correctly that she was a cheerleader at Mule Shoe High.
Papa bear, Mama bear and baby bear.
Two very fast Morning Runners.
Paul making plans with his girlfriend for later at the pool.  Steve digging himself a hole re texts to Ruth about dogs.
Beth and Jack after acrobatic flips.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

July 17, 2010

Just Ann Stuart, Noelle and me Saturday Morning...
Change that...
The four of us decided to to a downtown jog.  The only thing to say about the weather was that it was actually not as hot and humid as past weeks.  Bill commented that while driving to All Saints' he was mentally preparing himself for a run with the likes of Steve and Tim.  While I'm sure you enjoy those runs Bill, it was nice to have you with us yesterday!  Next time you come, bring the pictures from your trip to Greece.

Joining us at Starbucks: Kevin, the cherubic Eli and the I-must--play-with-dogs child Linden.  Last week I asked 'bring back the children' and this week I left the camera in the car after these welcome shots.  No good.

I was at a friend's house for dinner Friday night.  Surprised that I wasn't staying 'til the wee hours of the night, they asked if I were crazy to get up on a Saturday and run.  When I explained 'Not just this Saturday. E v e r y Saturday.' they stopped talking altogether.  Driving home I thought that it's  interesting the patterns we get ourselves into and the things for which we make time.  I blame Steve McGehee, personally.

On another note, not sure if anyone on the Morning Run mailing list looks at this blog - other than those 10 to 15 of us who attend regularly.  Specifically, only 10 of you get 'automatic updates' when there's a new post on the blog - b/c as far as I can determine that's all that Blogger allows.  So, 10 of 85 people get these 'recaps' - as well as a few more devotees who make a habit to log on and see what's been happening.  What are your thoughts about putting future blog posts in an e-mail to the whole Morning Run list?  In other words, the whole group still receives the standard Wed. e-mail, and the blog stays the same, AND then the blog posts are sent out in a Sunday e-mail.  Do you think it would boost attendance?  Your thoughts please.

See you next week,


Sunday, July 11, 2010

July 10, 2010

Saturday morning started out with the amazing, sudden and brief return of Sophie H. to the Morning Run group!  Great to see you, Sophie, and please come back to MR the next time you are visiting from Va.  After seeing Sophie, Mr. McGehee runs up - having just completed the first leg of his run (7, 8 miles...). 

Then, I had a text from Lisa saying she was coming to walk.  Then there was Noelle.  Then Ann Stuart with her friend in from ChattaVegas (his expression - not mine, I think the Vegas part belongs to Nash not Chatta!)  Last, but never last on a run, Mike C.

Runners: Steve, Mike, Noelle, me.  I joke with the runners that I am the weakest link, but the truth is - I am.  It's great motivation to run with the various runners - especially because I find it particularly hard.  In the heat.  With the hills.  Sweating like a sweatshop slave.  While running, I sound like a horse and marvel that others can talk.  All of the runners and walkers are pursuing their own goals at their own levels of competence.  Patience and practice.  I keep repeating it to myself.

The walkers:  Lisa, Sophie, Ann Stuart and friend (Jo?).  They went through the park and by the farmers' market.  Back at Starbucks, Ruth joined us for refreshments.  We all miss having you walk with us, Ruth.  I hope you are able to lead us on some fast and furious walks soon!

I was looking around the group, pulled out my camera - and only then realized there were no children in our group that day.  The adults managed to pose for a few shots, but sweaty adults have a harder time posing for these 'blog' shots than children.  Bring back the children!

See everyone next week.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


For the last several years, the Morning Runners have taken a pre-Peachtree Road Race run along Peachtree Street in order to prepare for the upcoming race. This year, however, The Great Race was on a Sunday so all of the regular runners were resting or tapering before the big day. Like all good traditions, we'll pick it up another time! Steve, Eileen and I headed downtown and through Georgia Tech at a nice pace. While our numbers were down, the conversation was as quality as ever. It is good to have Steve back among us, practicing his pastoral skills ("Oh," said Eileen at one point, "you want to talk about FEELINGS? While I'm RUNNING?!"") and putting us through our paces as we hoof it around the burg.

Since runners often talk about weather, I'll send up a little prayer of thanks for Saturday's temps. It was a gorgeous morning for running, low 70's and breezy. Just right. And even better than the weather, was the crowd that joined us at St. Arbuck's. The whole of Team Frilingos, the other 3/4 of Team YoSim, Steve's better half, Ruth, fresh from travels in Greece, and Laura, Tim and Zoe (the dog, appropriately scared to death of the grabby hands of the smaller set). Ruth passed out July 4th sunglasses and stickers to the kids-- preschooler bliss!

It was a grand morning. If you weren't there, we certainly missed you. Won't you join us?
